CVS-EEP Vegetation Monitoring Workshop 2008

Documents producted in response to the workshop

         Formal response to discussion topics - July 12, 2008

         Summary of woody stem sampling protocol - July 12, 2008



Day 1:  An Introduction to CVS-EEP Vegetation Monitoring

Tuesday, June 17, 2008  


7:30-8:00           Registration

Coffee will be provided.

8:00-8:15           Greetings – Caroline Bernard (CVS) & Mac Haupt (EEP)

                               Welcoming remarks; goals and objectives; general housekeeping issues.

8:15-8:30           EEP Data Flow – Steve Roberts

                        An overview of work and data flow will be presented, from planning baseline data collection, to annual monitoring, through project close out.

8:30-9:00           CVS Overview – Robert Peet

                        This session serves as an introduction to the CVS-EEP partnership and its unique contributions to the mitigation process.   We will present the approach CVS and EEP have developed to enhance collection and management of data from mitigation sites and explain how the products of this collaboration can be used to increase contractor efficiency and effectiveness.

9:00-9:30           Level-1 Sampling Overview – Tom Wentworth

                        The Level-1 (planted stems) sampling protocol will be introduced with a brief overview of data collection procedures.  An in-depth explanation of specifics will be given in the "Procedures and Techniques" presentation later in the morning.

9:30-9:50           Taxonomic and Community Classification Resources and Standards – Robert Peet

                        Guidance will be provided on the best resources for identifying plants and vegetation types.  We will also discuss how to handle the challenges and take advantage of the benefits to be derived from the rapid evolution of our knowledge of plant species and vegetation types.

9:50-10:10         Break

                                Snacks and drinks will be provided.

10:10-11:10        Level-1 Procedures and Techniques – Tom Wentworth

Through a virtual demonstration, participants will review the details of how to most efficiently and effectively perform all the tasks required for collecting high-quality Level-1 monitoring data. 

11:10-12:10        Introduction to Level-1 Data Management and Data Entry – Forbes Boyle

Use of the CVS data entry tool for digital recording and quality control of Level-1 data will be explained in detail.  Participants will also be given the opportunity to follow along on their personal laptop computers using an example dataset.

12:10-1:45         Lunch and Travel

                                The group will travel from the classroom to lunch, and then to the field site.

1:45-4:00           Field Exercises at the Smith / Austin Creeks Site

CVS staff will lead participants through Level-1 sampling procedures in the field.  Each crew of ~4 will establish two plots, one to collect Vegetation Baseline Data (VBD; establishment of a new plot) and one to collect Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD; resampling of a previously monitored plot).

4:00-4:15           Break

                        Snacks and drinks will be provided.

4:15-5:00           Q & A / Discussion (in field) – Robert Peet, Tom Wentworth, and CVS personnel

A question and answer session will be held following plot data collection in order to promote efficiency in data collection and to address any issues or concerns that emerge during the exercise.



Day 2:  Advanced CVS-EEP Vegetation Monitoring

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


7:30-8:00           Registration

                                Coffee will be provided.

8:00-8:15           Greetings – Caroline Bernard (CVS) & Mac Haupt (EEP)

                                Welcoming remarks; goals and objectives; general housekeeping issues.

8:15-8:45           EEP Update – Steve Roberts

                                An overview of recent changes to the EEP restoration and mitigation plan templates will be given, with an explanation of how the vegetation components of the design and monitoring processes work together.



8:45-9:30           Level-1 Review – Tom Wentworth

Level-1 procedures will be presented as a component of data collection and management in the CVS-EEP approach to vegetation monitoring. This overview of Day-1 activities will include the rationale and general protocol for Level-1 monitoring, a brief summary of field sampling procedures, and an introduction to the basics of data entry.  


8:45-9:30           Data Entry Tool – Forbes Boyle

This session provides an opportunity for Day-1 participants to obtain more in-depth training with the data entry tool, in part through working with data collected during the field exercises of the previous afternoon.  The instructor will demonstrate data entry procedures while participants work through a series of real-data issues on their personal laptops.


9:30-10:00         Planning Tools – Robert Peet & Elizabeth Matthews               

CVS is developing tools and data sources to facilitate planning of restoration activities and to evaluate their success.  New and emerging tools will be described and suggestions for increased functionality will be solicited.

10:00-10:15        Break

                        Snacks and drinks will be provided.

10:15-11:15        Level-2 & Level-3 Procedures and Techniques – Tom Wentworth

The Level-2 and Level-3 sampling protocols will be explained.  Through a virtual demonstration, participants will review the details of how to most efficiently and effectively perform all tasks required for collecting high-quality, Level-2 and Level-3 monitoring data. 

11:15-12:00        Tools for Level-2 & Level-3 Data Management and Reporting – Forbes Boyle

Use of the CVS data entry tool for digital recording and quality control of Levels 2 and 3 data will be explained in detail.  Participants will be given the opportunity to follow along on their personal laptop computers using an example dataset.  In addition, new data reporting and analysis options for Levels 1-3 will be presented.

12:00-12:15        Q & A

                                A question and answer session will be held for participants to ask questions about sampling procedures and report generation.

12:15-1:45         Lunch and Travel

                                The group will travel from the classroom to lunch, and then to the field site.

1:45-4:00               Field Exercises at the Smith / Austin Creeks Site

CVS staff will lead participants through Level-2 and Level-3 sampling procedures in the field.  Each crew of ~4 will establish one plot to collect Level-2 Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD) and one plot to collect Level-3 Community Occurrence information.

4:00-4:15           Break

                        Snacks and drinks will be provided.

4:15-5:00           Q & A / Discussion (in field) – Robert Peet, Tom Wentworth, and CVS personnel

A question and answer session will be held following plot data collection in order to promote efficiency in data collection and to address any issues or concerns that emerged during the exercise.